In this episode, you will learn about the construction of exclamatory sentences. You will learn about sentences that express strong feelings in Creole. They use an exclamation. In the previous episode (episode #1), you learned about sentences that make a statement, express a command or ask a question.
For example: Ala bon sa bon pou aprann yon lang tankou Kreyol! - How good it is to learn a language such as Haitian Creole!
Other Examples: Ala bon Bondye bon! - How good God is!; Ala gran Bondye gran! - How great God is!
Ala pwisan Bondye pwisan! - How powerful God is!
Here is the structure in Creole: Ala + Adjective or Determiner + Subject + repetition of the adjective or determiner!
You will also review the question words in various exercises.
In this episode, you will also have a review of the HC alphabet and pronunciation. The ebook will provide you with a list of words that accompanies each nasalized or non-nasalized sound. You will also have an exercise to repeat the words correctly.
Finally, you will end this episode with a text that you can listen to. The text is titled, "Mayor Midi's Car (Truck) - Machin Majistra Midi a"
It is a funny story about how his driver and mechanic cared for his truck and how one day it ran out of gas and got stuck in a Thozin, Grand-Goave mud pit. Passersby had to help him push it out, not before they complained about how he had never given them a ride to Petit-Goave, Haiti. Nonetheless, they realized he was a good man who worked hard for the recognition of their city, a great representative of their town in the political affairs of the country.
This ebook was written with your needs in mind. The episodes are designed to allow you to listen to real-life, Haiti-based dialogues about life's issues. You will be placed in local situations where you will have to find the right words to express your thoughts.
"Learn/Listen to Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions, Sayings for Everyone Everywhere - Aprann/Koute Dyalòg MP3, Fraz, Pwovèb, Mo + Odyo Ekspresyon Kreyòl Pou Tout Moun..."
Book Review:
"Learn/Listen to Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions, Sayings for Everyone Everywhere - Aprann/Koute Dyalòg MP3, Fraz, Pwovèb, Mo + Odyo Ekspresyon Kreyòl Pou Tout Moun..." is a podcast-compatible ( series of MP3 dialogues, phrases, words, and audio expressions whose focus is to get you to speak and understand Haitian Creole in a short time. The lessons are designed to get you out of your comfort zone and place you into various Haitian locales where you will most likely hear and practice the language. Each lesson is designed to help you build your vocabulary and increase your cultural knowledge. If you like "Learn Haitian Creole in One Week..." and other similar titles, you will like this ebook too. Go to to get the accompanying audio or MP3 files.
Disclaimer: The author of this ebook, producer of the podcast ( and this blogger represent the same person. As the author, producer, and blogger, I hereby provide permission to publish and use the above multilingual materials to learn and teach Haitian Creole and English to whomever is interested in learning these languages. My personal mission has been to promote and deepen the study and knowledge of the Haitian language and culture.
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